Thursday, May 8, 2008

Projects, Wishes, and Reality

Knitting is like any other hobby for me, I absolutely love it when I start & dream of the wonderful things I'll be making... so I start buying yarn & needles & patterns and containers for holding all my lovelies... and then Reality steps in. Some days I actually accomplish something, and these past few days were some of those - I made the Midnight Roses wristlet from she-knits and I absolutely love it!!! It worked up so quickly, the directions were super simple to follow, and hopefully it will dry soon so I can use it! I've already started another, this one will be a little different in the color scheme but I'm using her same instructions because they were so well written. If you're interested, the bag can be found at

I'll try to post a pic of my bag when it's dry, as well as the second one when it's done. If that one goes as quickly as the first did, it will be drying by tomorrow night. :)

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